
Dimensions BadgesBuild your own badge now


Dimensions is a research insights platform that brings together information about funding, publications, policy, patents, and grants. The Dimensions Badge provides a free and easy way for researchers and academic institutions to showcase the number of citations that their publications have received.

Embed a Dimensions Badge into your own website, so people can easily see how many citations your publications have received. From the badges, users can explore the citation data further using the free Dimensions platform. The Dimensions Badges are built on the Dimensions Metrics API, which is also available for free for internal, non-commercial purposes.

For full details about who can use the Dimensions Badges and Metrics API and for what, please look at our terms of use here and outlined below. If you are not a researcher or academic institution and would like to use these products, or you’d like to use them in a different way, please let us know at info@dimensions.ai with a description of who you are and your use case, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to explain what we can do to help.

Getting set up with a Dimensions Badge is a straightforward process – once you’ve registered with us, just add the following code to the HTML of your website, wherever you want the Dimensions Badge to appear:

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797"></span><script async src="https://badge.dimensions.ai/badge.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Replace the contents of data-doi with the DOI of the publication that you want the badge to represent. You can also use the data-pmid or data-id attributes to reference a publication by PubMed ID or Dimensions ID respectively.

That's all you need to do! You'll see a Dimensions Badge that looks like this:

You can customize the appearance of the badge using the tools below.

What can you do with free badges (and metrics API)

If you are an individual, you can use the badges and the metrics API for free for your personal, research purposes relating to work you’ve authored.

If you represent an academic institution, you can also use the badges and metrics API for free. The first thing you need to do is register some simple details with us here. You're then permitted to use the badges on your websites in respect of work related to your institution, provided the websites are open to everyone and otherwise non-commercial (but we don't mind if they include adverts).

If you are not a researcher or academic institution and would like to use the badges or metrics API, or you’d like to use them in a different way, please let us know at info@dimensions.ai with a description of how you would like to use them, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to explain what we can do to help.

Please do keep in mind that this is just a simple summary of (and not a substitute for) the legal terms that apply to the Dimensions Badges and Metrics API, which you agree to comply with by using them.

Build your badge

Tick this box to show the badge only if the research output has one or more citations.

Preview of this badge

Your embed code

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797"></span><script async src="https://badge.dimensions.ai/badge.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Copy this code into your page to embed the Dimensions Badge shown in the preview.

View the details page

When you click on a Dimensions Badge, a corresponding Dimensions details page on dimensions.ai will be shown. The Dimensions details page provides more in-depth information about the publication, including a summary of available metrics, a list of citing works, a visualization of citing research categories. You can share the details page using social media, or continue into the free Dimensions platform to explore the publication in more depth.

Multiple badges

You can include multiple Dimensions Badges on a single page. If you want to do this, you can follow a two-step process to reduce the amount of code you have to embed.

Step 1: Include the setup code anywhere on your page:

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<script async src="https://badge.dimensions.ai/badge.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Step 2: Include the badge code at the position in the page you want the badge to appear:

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797"></span>

You can include as many badges as you want on a page. You only need to include the setup code once.

Customizing the badge

You can customize the appearance and content of the badge using the HTML attributes described below.

data-doiDOI of the publication to displaydata-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797"
data-pmidPubMed ID of the publication to displaydata-pmid="27400401"
data-idDimensions ID of the publication to displaydata-id="pub.1026722513"
data-styleStyle of the badge to embed
data-legendHow extended data will be displayed
data-hide-zero-citationsHide the badge if the publication has no Dimensions citations

Use the badge builder above to help you create the embed code you need for your website or application.

The legend

The badge legend allows users to see some additional information about your publications, in addition to the Dimensions citation count. To control the appearance of the legend, set the data-legend attribute.

By default, a legend will be shown when a user hovers over the badge, and it will appear to the right or left of the badge depending on its position on the page:

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797"></span>

The position of the legend can be explicitly specified by setting the data-legend attribute to hover-top, hover-right, hover-bottom or hover-left:

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-legend="hover-bottom"></span>

The legend can also be configured to permanently appear next to the badge without requiring your users to hover, by setting data-legend to always:

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-legend="always"></span>

If required, the legend can also be disabled completely by setting data-legend to never:

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-legend="never"></span>

Badge styles

A selection of different badge styles are available. You can choose the style that best matches your website and content.

Default – medium circle

Set data-style to medium_circle (or leave it blank)

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797"></span>

Small circle

Set data-style to small_circle

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-style="small_circle"></span>

Large circle

Set data-style to large_circle

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-style="large_circle"></span>

Small rectangle

Set data-style to small_rectangle

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-style="small_rectangle"></span>

Large rectangle

Set data-style to large_rectangle

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1001/jama.2016.9797" data-style="large_rectangle"></span>

Zero citations

Badge with no citations

By default, if there are no citations for a given publication, the Dimensions Badge will display a zero.

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1007/bf02307872" data-style="large_rectangle"></span>

Badge with hidden zero citations count

If the data-hide-zero-citations attribute is set, the badge for a publication with no citations will be hidden.

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1007/bf02307872" data-hide-zero-citations="true" data-style="large_rectangle"></span>

More examples

Medium circle badge for DOI 10.1038/nplants.2015.7

The simplest and quickest way to embed a badge is by specifying a DOI.

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1038/nplants.2015.7"></span>

Small rectangle badge for PMID 21771119

The small rectangle badge is be useful for long lists of publications. This example uses a PubMed ID to specify the publication.

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-pmid="21771119" data-style="small_rectangle"></span>

Small circle badge for Dimensions ID pub.1035456101

The smaller circle badge occupies less space than the standard medium circle. This example uses a Dimensions ID to specify the publication.

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-id="pub.1035456101" data-style="small_circle"></span>

Badge with custom legend position

The legend in this example is configured to always appear beneath the badge when a user hovers over it.

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<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-doi="10.1038/nplants.2015.7" data-legend="hover-bottom"></span>

Technical details

The Dimensions Badges and details pages are fully compatible with all modern web browsers, and support Internet Explorer 11+. Older browsers may receive a degraded experience.

The Dimensions Badges are served from Fastly, a global CDN (Content Delivery Network), and loaded into your page asynchronously. Latency is very low and will have no impact on the loading times of your pages.

Adding badges

The Dimensions Badge code will automatically detect and install badges for any element on which you include the __dimensions_badge_embed__ class. However, if you add additional elements to the page after it has loaded – using AJAX requests, for example – then you will need to tell the badge code about them before the badge will be visible.

To do this, you can call the addBadges() function on window.__dimensions_embed. This will detect any new badge code on your page and install Dimensions Badges. After new HTML has been added to the page, use this function as follows:

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For example, if you were using a jQuery AJAX call, your code might look like the following:

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$.get("/my_new_html").done(function(data) {

Javascript events

There are two custom Javascript events that can be triggered by the badge:

dimensions_embed:show is triggered when a badge is shown
dimensions_embed:hide is triggered when a badge is hidden (e.g. the article has no citations and data-hide-zero-citations has been set

These events will be triggered on the __dimensions_badge_embed__ container, so it is possible to attach event listeners and act on them.

For example, jQuery could be used to show an alert whenever a badge is hidden with the following code:

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$(function () {
  $('.__dimensions_badge_embed__').on('dimensions_embed:hide', function () {
      alert('A Dimensions badge was hidden');


If you have any problems integrating Dimensions Badges with your website or platform, contact the Dimensions team at support@dimensions.ai and we'll help you get set up.